
One Time Offer
SPARK "Vanguard Membership" Upgrade

The timer has expired!

Vanguard Perks

Have Access to Everything in the
SPARK Core Membership Plus You Receive...

A Semi-Dedicated Vanguard SPARK Mentor

With direct email access - up to (10) support emails per month.

the Vanguard Parent Focus Group

Vanguard Members Get (2) hours per month of Vanguard Group Training for your child's specific needs. Receive more personalized attention in this smaller group. These training will be recorded for replay access.

Vanguard ABA Specialty Groups

We have specialty groups within our community based on your child's needs and interests. SPARK Mentors will personally guide these interactive groups with long term progress in mind.

  1. Early Intervention - Birth to 5
  2. Elementary School Life
  3. Middle School Life
  4. High School and Transition
  5. Vocational, and College
  6. Adult Living and Thriving

SPARK Vanguard
Parent Skills Assessment

Specialized expert analysis to laser target how to help you get the results you want 9x faster.

Annual Parent Parent Road Map

Your SPARK Mentor will help you create a Road Map that will help you accomplish your goals for the next 12 months. Throughout the 12 months you and your SPARK Mentor will use this road map to stay on track and update it to reflect what is happening as needed in real time. At the end of 12 months, you will review all of the target goals you reached with your SPARK Mentor, then create a new road map with next level targeted goals for the new year.

Deeper Connections:

With Vanguard you will be able to work and connect more closely with your SPARK Mentors and other Vanguard Members to Accelerate your Child's Life Experience and Progress

Membership/Service Termination:

A professional, respectful Mentor/Mentee relationship must be maintained at all times. SPARK reserves the right to end or downgrade service at any time. No refund will be provided.

How Much Would it
Cost to Replicate the
SPARK Vanguard Membership Monthly?
Over $2400 per month

$1,000 per month for private ABA expert $250 per hour x (4) hours per month
$750 - $1500 Attend (1) training per month
$350 - $750 Parent Focus Group
$450 Private Parent Skills assessmenT
$$$$ A community you can trust is priceless.
$$$$ 24/7 access to Support priceless
Total -- Over $2400 per month

SPARK Vanguard Membership

Join Now
/Mo (Orig. $1199)

This price is for the first 50 Vanguard Members

Fast Action Bonus

Lifetime Beta Launch Price

How would you like your SPARK membership price to never go up? 

As a thank you for joining our new SPARK Parent Community now, your price will never increase, click the link below!

Over the next 6 - 18 months over 1900 members will be joining our SPARK Parent Community. Their membership price is going to be $799, $899, $999 per month while your price of $349 will never change.

This is our way of thanking you for helping us warm up the Spark Parent Community during our beta launch.

Join the SPARK Parent Community now and save!

This One Time Offer is backed by the SPARK Guarantee Your Vanguard Price Will Never Increase!

Benefits of Signing Up Now

Be part of our exclusive SPARK
Vanguard Community.
Get Daily Vanguard Premium support
Limited Spots available -- only 50
This SPARK Vanguard Membership Will Never Be Offered at This Low Price Again.
yes, this will be your lifetime membership price for Vanguard, your price will never increase.
Don’t Miss Your Chance, Join Now Before this discount is gone forever!


The SPARK Parent Community
is brand new so we are warming up the community. Everything is not perfect.

Who is Beta Membership for?

People who want the absolute lowest membership price. Early access to the community and mentors. Be a part of something special, help provide feedback, and greatly influence the community development.


People who want everything to work perfectly right now.
People who would prefer to pay full price $599 per month after all the wrinkles are ironed out.


After the first 50 Vanguard Members join, the price will immediately increase to our next promotional price of:

$349 per month for members 1 - 50
$399 per month for members 51 - 100
$449 per month for members 101 - 200
$499 per month for members 201 - 400

The Vanguard Membership price will continue to increase until it reaches the full price of $1199 per month.

Lock in Your SPARK Vanguard Membership Discount Price NOW.

Lock In Your
SPARK Vanguard Membership Discount Price NOW!

30 Day, SPARK 100% Money Back Guarantee.

This is a one time beta discount offer. We encourage you take advantage of this offer while it lasts! We have a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the SPARK community, email us at cancel@myabamentor.com.

Disclaimer: The SPARK Parent Community, by MYABAMENTOR is an education and training provider. We do not provide direct or supervisory ABA supervision programs for individuals with disabilities. All content and advice provided within the community is for educational purposes only. 


ACE Provider for Virtual Fieldwork Supervision
QABA CEU Provider for Virtual Fieldwork Supervision

©MyABAMentorLLC All Rights Reserved, BCBA or BACB or any other BACB trademark used is/are registered to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board ("BACB"). My ABA Mentor is not in any way sponsored, endorsed or affiliated with the BACB. See our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. The materials on this site are protected by copyright law. The material may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of My ABA Mentor LLC. 

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